【 聰明運動鞋… Digitsole 】
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Digitsole發表全球第一雙聰明運動鞋!運動鞋內建的無線裝置將鞋子透過藍芽連線到手機的App。穿上鞋子並啟動藍芽後,手機App開始調整鞋面鬆 緊,鞋墊感溫及控溫裝置可將鞋子控溫至攝氏43度。智能體能裝置會自動計算步行數、行走距離及卡路里消耗。聰明運動鞋會自動偵測鞋底殘舊程度,於鞋底損壞 之前通知跑者該換新鞋了。聰明運動鞋定價450美元,於2016年在美國首發開賣。
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Footwear company Digitsole's Smartshoes connect to the wearer's smartphone or smartwatch to warm cold feet, track footsteps, and lace themselves up like the Nike trainers worn in sci-fi film Back to the Future II. Launched at the CES tech fair, the trainer features laces that are hidden beneath the tongue of the shoe, and which can be tightened or loosened using an app. The function is reminiscent of the self-lacing Nike Air MAG sneakers worn by actor Michael J Fox in 1989 movie Back to the Future II. Nike unveiled the first working pair of the trainers last year, with a video showing Fox testing out their "power laces" function. According to Digitsole, the trainers will also include an integrated torch and "shock absorption measurement". The company says the battery will last for several days, and can be wirelessly recharged with a device that fits over the top of both shoes at once. (原文版權屬Dezeen Magazine)
發文 : 明展科技股份有限公司
短片 : https://goo.gl/9omRNR
官網 : http://www.opushightech.com
商店 : http://goo.gl/5QHo4G
- Mar 02 Wed 2016 13:34
聰明運動鞋… Digitsole